
CoreID allows you to easily and securely authenticate users through electronic identification (eID) without any of the hassle.

The Assently CoreID Client is a javascript plugin that handles the user authentication and integration with the CoreID service and eID providers. Let us worry about integrations, security, browser support and maintenance while you focus on creating value for your users.

The CoreID Client works in both your app and your website.

Contact us at to get started with the free test account.

How it works

Add our javascript to your website/app, generate a token, configure with a few lines of code and you’re good to go!

When a user wants to authenticate, your application will generate an authentication token using the provided credentials and settings. It defines which eIDs you accept and how long it will be valid.

The CoreID Javascript Client is then invoked with this token, allowing the user to authenticate through CoreID and chosen eID provider.

After successful authentication, an identity token is created and returned. Once your application has verified the authenticity of the identity token, it can be used to identify the user in your application.

What you need to implement

The CoreID Client has “batteries included” and handles the majority of the work.

To authenticate a user, your application needs to handle three steps:

  1. Generate token using provided credentials (sample code)
  2. Invoke CoreID client (sample code)
  3. Verify the returned identity token (sample code)

You’ll then have a trusted identity of your user, that you can integrate with your application logic.

CoreID securely communicates with our servers which handle the integrations with the different eID Providers. For token generation and verification there are a multitude of libraries available in almost any programming language. JWT is widely supported and well documented.

Keep reading to see how to get started.

Getting started - Quick start guide

The example-code for generating and verifying tokens in this guide is in C#, but similar libraries are available in almost any language. Check the overview at


  • Configuration-values and credentials for test environment, contact us at if you need these
  • A test eID user, setting up Swedish BankID is the quickest if you don’t already have one. Setup instructions
  • CoreID uses a shared secret to sign and verify tokens. Your application or website needs to be able to run the code used to generate tokens serverside, as to not disclose this secret.

The CoreID implementation guide for authentication

0. Credentials and configuration

You should have been provided with the following credentials.

  • AccountID: Your account ID at Assently or a test account id.
  • Secret or Auth Secret: Secret used to sign authorization request token.
  • Identity Secret: Used to validate identity token.

You’ll also need to specify the URI you’ll host the script on.

And for testing Swedish BankID you’ll specify DisplayName as “Test av Mobilt BankID”.

And for testing Swedish Freja eID plus you’ll specify DisplayName as “id_assently_assently-ab”.

1. Authorization request token Creation

Generate an Authorization Request Token that will be used with the CoreID Client for this authentication session. You can use to decode and debug your Authorization Request Token.

Full documentation of the authorization request token.

This C# snippet uses the System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt library.

public class AuthTokenService
    /// <param name="displayName">Display name is required for Swedish BankID, Swedish Freja eID plus and Finnish Mobiilivarmenne and should be added to token as a "dnm" dictionary claim. Will use Assently's default displaynames if not specified.</param>
    /// <param name="embedHost">The URI of the host. Required claim, should be added as "hst"</param>
    /// <param name="accountId">Customer account id at Assently</param>
    /// <param name="secret">The secret that is used to sign the JWT. Provided by Assently</param>
    /// <returns>Encoded JWT string</returns>
    public string CreateToken(string displayName, string embedHost, string accountId, string secret)
        // The time at which the token was issued.
        var issuedAt = (int)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds;

        var claims = new List<Claim>()
            //Example of dnm claim: {"se-bankid":"Testföretaget AB", "no-bankid":"Testfirmaet AS", "dk-nemid":"Testvirksomheden A/S", "fi-mv":"Testiyritys Oy"}
            new Claim("dnm",  "{\"se-bankid\":\"Test av Mobilt BankID\", \"no-bankid\":\"displayNameNO\", \"dk-nemid\":\"displayNameDK\", \"fi-mv\":\"displayNameFI\"}"),
            // "jti" (Jwt Id) is a mandatory token identifier. Should be a GUID4.
            new Claim("jti", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()),
            new Claim("hst", embedHost),
            new Claim("iat", issuedAt.ToString()),

            // Chosen identity provider, possible to have multiple
            new Claim("aud", "se-bankid"),

        // Expiration time for the token, this is how long the token can be used to start an authentication session.
        var expires = DateTime.UtcNow.Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30));

        var jwt = new JwtSecurityToken(
            issuer: accountId,
            claims: claims,
            expires: expires,
                new SigningCredentials(
                    new InMemorySymmetricSecurityKey(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(secret)),

        var jwtHandler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();
        return jwtHandler.WriteToken(jwt);

2. Embed the client

<!-- TEST -->
<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>

3. Configure and start client

Here is a quick example of how to configure the client. The token from step 1 should be unique, so generate a new one for each session or when the view is rendered.

Full documentation of the CoreID Client

  config: {
    allowedEids: ['se-bankid', 'dk-mitid', 'fi-bankid', 'no-bankid-oidc'],   // list enabled eID providers
    mode: 'auth',         // sets the mode to authentication
    language: 'sv',       // set the client to use swedish language
    provider: 'se-bankid',// default provider to show on start
  token: '<TOKEN FROM STEP 1>',
  callback: function(data) {
    console.log('CoreID response', data);

// start the client!

4. Identity Token Validation

The client should post the Identity Token to your server. Always verify the identity token to ensure it hasn’t been tampered with. You should also verify that the authorization request token and the identity token match. You can use to decode and debug your Identity Token.

Full documentation of the identity token.

This C# snippet use System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt library.

public class IdentityTokenService
    public JwtSecurityToken ValidateToken(string token)

        var configuration = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;
        var tokenHandler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();
        var secret = configuration["IdentitySecret"];
        var keyBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(secret);

        var tokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters()
            ValidateIssuerSigningKey = true,
            IssuerSigningKey = new InMemorySymmetricSecurityKey(keyBytes),

            ValidateIssuer = true,
            ValidIssuer = configuration["Issuer"],
            ValidAudience = configuration["AccountId"],
            ValidateAudience = true,
            ValidateLifetime = true,
            ClockSkew = TimeSpan.Zero,
            LifetimeValidator = (before, expires, jwttoken, validationParameters) =>
                var now = DateTime.UtcNow.Add(validationParameters.ClockSkew);
                if (before.HasValue && now < before.Value)
                    return false;
                if (expires.HasValue && expires <= now)
                    return false;

                return true;
        SecurityToken validatedToken;

        tokenHandler.ValidateToken(token, tokenValidationParameters, out validatedToken);

        return validatedToken as JwtSecurityToken;

    // Validate that authtoken and idtoken match
    public bool ValidateJwtId(HttpCookie cookie, JwtSecurityToken identityToken)
        var authToken = new JwtSecurityToken(cookie.Value);
        var authJwtId = authToken.Claims.First(c => c.Type == "jti").Value;
        var identityTokenAuthJwtId = identityToken.Claims.First(c => c.Type == "auth_jti").Value;
        if (authJwtId == identityTokenAuthJwtId)
            return true;
        return false;

5. Integrate with application logic

That’s it. Once you have verified the Identity token you can use it to identify the user in your system.

Keep reading to make your implementation production ready.

CoreID Client API and Configuration


init({ config [object], token [string], callback [function] })

Initializes the CoreID client, must be called before start().

var config = {};
var myCallback = function(data) {};



Shows the CoreID client to the user.



Hides the CoreID client from the user.



token - String, undefined

The token you generated in step 1.

Reference this section for information on how to generate your authorization request token.

token: '😎✌️🏽'

callback - Function, undefined

This function will be invoked by the client at the end of transactions, both for success and fail or in case of an error.

// a basic example
callback: function(data) {
  if (data.success === true) {
    // Identification has been performed, now validate the token's authenticity
    $.post('api/token/validate', data.token, handleSuccess, handleError);
  } else if (data.type === 'failed') {
    console.log('authentication failed', data.errorMessage);
  } else if (data.type === 'cancelled') {
    console.log('user closed the app');
  } else if (data.type === 'error') {
    console.log('an error occurred', data.errorMessage);

The callback receives an object parameter that can have the following properties

// A successful transaction object would look like this
  success: true,          // always exists if authentication succeeded
  token: '#####',         // JWT that contains identity token, validate this!
  provider: 'se-bankid',  // provider that user authenticated with
  type: 'authenticated',  // transaction type
  transactionId: '####'   // is present for most of the providers, use this
                          //   as a reference when contacting Assently Support

// An unsuccessful transaction object
  type: 'failed',         // if authentication failed
  provider: 'se-bankid',  // provider used
  errorMessage: ''        // information about the possible error

// User closed or cancelled CoreID client,
// can happen after authentication is successful
  type: 'cancelled',
  errorMessage: 'USER_UI_CANCEL'

// An error occurred, which usually indicates
// a wrong configuration
  type: 'error',
  errorMessage: '' // details about the error,
  success: false

config.allowedEids - String[], ['*']

This option allows you to define which eID Providers you want the CoreID Client to display as options.

  'fi-mv',            // Finnish Mobiilivarmenne
  'fi-tupas',         // Finnish Tupas
  'fi-vrk',           // Finnish Varmennekortti (DVV)
  'no-bankid',        // Norwegian BankID
  'no-bankid-mobile', // Norwegian BankID mobile
  'no-bankid-oidc',   // Norwegian BankID OIDC
  'se-bankid',        // Swedish BankID
  'se-frejaeidplus',  // Sweden FrejMitID
  'dk-mitid',         // Danish MitID
  'dk-nemid',         // Danish NemID

If the value is undefined, it will default to the legacy setting ['*'] which will enable a subset of the identification methods. This list is not updated, in order to maintain unchanged behavior for existing integrations.

    'fi-mv',            // Finnish Mobiilivarmenne
    'fi-tupas',         // Finnish Tupas
    'fi-vrk',           // Finnish Varmennekortti (DVV)
    'no-bankid',        // Norwegian BankID
    'no-bankid-mobile', // Norwegian BankID mobile
    'se-bankid',        // Swedish BankID
    'dk-nemid',         // Danish NemID

The value of config.allowedEids should match the audience-claim in your token.

config.location - String, undefined

This option configures the default country-selection when starting the client.

Overridden by config.provider.

If undefined the user will first be presented with a view to select country.

'se' // default view will display the Swedish providers, except Swedish Freja eID plus
'fi' // ... Finnish providers
'no' // ... Norwegian providers, except Norwegian BankID OIDC
'dk' // ... Danish providers

config.language - String, undefined

This option configures the default locale when starting the client.

By default the language will be inferred from location or browser locale.


config.mode - String, undefined

Sets the mode. Depending on the mode only to that mode available eID’s will be shown to the user.

'auth' // Authentication mode

config.provider - String, undefined

Sets the default selected provider, overrides default view set by the location option. The provider must be present in config.allowedEids

'fi-mv'            // Finnish Mobiilivarmenne
'fi-tupas'         // Finnish Tupas
'fi-vrk'           // Finnish Varmennekortti (DVV)
'no-bankid'        // Norwegian BankID
'no-bankid-mobile' // Norwegian BankID mobile
'no-bankid-oidc'   // Norwegian BankID OIDC
'se-bankid'        // Swedish BankID
'se-frejaeidplus'  // Swedish Freja eID plus
'dk-mitid'         // Danish MitID
'dk-nemid'         // Danish NemID

config.providerSettings - Object, undefined

This object allows for provider-specific settings, note that not all providers have this option.

Available configurations:

  'se-bankid': {

    // autoStart
    // Decide if the should open automatically.
    // If set to 'false' the client will not try to open the 
    // Swedish BankID app.
    // There is an event emitted with all the info you need 
    // to handle this in code yourself. See separate section on events.
    autoStart: true, // default

    // redirectMode
    // After a succesful or failed identification in
    // it will redirect the user to the page identification was started on
    // or redirect to a specified url (see redirectUrl option below).
    // The redirect behaviour is only supported by when using 
    // the standard OS browser (Safari on iOS). In other configurations
    // the redirect behaviour may give unwanted results. 
    // To disable this, and let the user switch apps manually
    // select 'redirectMode: 'never''. The will then stay open
    // and the user will have to switch back to the browser they were using
    // manually
    // Default behaviour is to always return
    redirectMode: 'always', // default

    // redirectUrl
    // Customizes the 'redirect'-parameter passed to
    // This parameter is normally handled by CoreID Client to regain
    // control once the BankID.App has finished identification.
    // Overriding it may break default CoreID Client behaviour. 
    redirectUrl: '', // default
    // defaultToQR
    // If enabled, it will automatically start an authentication with a QR code when opened.
    // Users can still start an authentication using a national id by
    // cancelling the QR code authentication first.
    // This will not affect behaviour on mobile devices if 'autoStart' is enabled.
    defaultToQR: false // default
  'fi-tupas': {
    // if set, will sort Tupas banks alphabetically, in ascending or descending order
    // if not set, will retain its original order
    sort: 'asc', // or 'desc'
    // use include to specify exactly which banks you want to be available
    // 'include' will make sure the client only ever lists your selected banks
    // for a list of banks and their IDs, see below
    include: [''],
    // use exclude to specify banks to be excluded
    // this option will be ignored if include-option is specified
    exclude: ['']
  'dk-nemid': {
    // NemID does not provide a National ID Number (CPR) in their response, 
    // only a PID (serial number for the e-ID). However they have a service to validate CPR. 
    // To use it you can either add the CPR to config.providerSettings if you know it beforehand, 
    // or make CoreID prompt the user for it before authenticating.
    // The validated CPR will then be included in the CoreID response.
    // CPR Format: DDMMYYSSSS
    cpr: "", 
    cprPrompt: false,

Tupas banks:

  { Id: "08ACDDE6-2C38-418B-ACC7-67CEF0FD24A8", BankName: "Nordea"},
  { Id: "5A57F571-C625-46D8-A721-7F23CBF0A9AE", BankName: "Danske Bank"},
  { Id: "4885E8D2-C6AC-4732-A3FF-132C4CA9977B", BankName: "Aktia "},
  { Id: "6C583D7B-1C6F-4CBC-9BE9-FA9C26CDD4F1", BankName: "S-Pankki"},
  { Id: "F0EA5D03-E63D-4A0D-84DC-EFEA0FA91306", BankName: "LähiTapiola"},
  { Id: "916194F1-A31A-4DBD-B481-EDDD1F5A311D", BankName: "Handelsbanken"},
  { Id: "1BD11C49-65BF-4DA3-B609-60414EBD8F1F", BankName: "OP"},
  { Id: "8D6C10E6-8C82-4FD2-B55E-E881DA7411B9", BankName: "Säästöpankki"},
  { Id: "2625E44A-3E08-4323-8B4E-D4E0AD1C2615", BankName: "POP Pankki"},
  { Id: "F82E50A2-A778-44CA-827C-6B062477267C", BankName: "Ålandsbanken"}

config.showTitle - Boolean, true

showTitle: true

Setting to show the title inside the frame. Defaults to true.


The client also emits some events via PostMessage that developers can subscribe to.

All events are of type MessageEvent and are dispatched at the target window, subscribe like so:

window.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
  // check

None of these events are required to be handled by the developer, they are provided for your convenience.


MessageEvent {
  data: {
    type: 'bankId-startClient', // event type
    autoStartToken: 'TOKEN',    // needed to start the app correctly
    transactionId:  'guid'      // Assently generated transaction id

This event fires when the Swedish BankID app is to be opened.

Contains data to allow developers to start the Swedish BankID app by their own accord.

Technical Details

The client is 100% JavaScript and uses XMLHttpRequests and embeds via an iframe.


The test client will target the test environment of our API and the providers (if applicable).

Make sure to use your test account secrets.

Please refer to each providers documentation on how to test authentication with a specific provider.

<script src=""></script>


Only real persons or subjects can authenticate.

Make sure to use your production secrets.

<script src=""></script>

Message formats

We use JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for secure communication between our server and your clients.


The client is localized in the following languages:

  • English
  • Finnish
  • Norwegian
  • Swedish
  • Danish


All traffic is encrypted via SSL/TLS.

Information is sent via JSON web tokens (JWT) encrypted with HS256.

Messages are decoded and verified with shared secrets.

The JWT Authorization Request Token

JWT Basics

Take a couple of minutes and read a little bit at

JWT Libraries

Find a library at or google a library that supports your platform.

Create the JWT

Use the library to define your claims, specify that you want to use HMAC SHA256 and sign it with the auth secret provided by Assently.


There are several claims that are required, e.g.:

  "jti": "3bfae357-c056-4567-b15d-ca657fbdg866", //A unique token identifier 
  "iss": "acme", //The customer account name (as issued by Assently)
  "aud": [
  ],// see the description of the claim below
  "iat": 1467217112,//Identifies the time at which the JWT was issued. 
  "exp": 1467218912, //Identifies the expiration time on or after which the JWT is not accepted for processing. 
  "hst": "", //The URL of the host including scheme (and if differs from default, port). 
  // Custom display names must be registered with Assently beforehand
  // Valid displaynames are
  // "Assently" for production
  // "Test av Mobilt BankID" for test
  "dnm": "Acme", //see description below,
  "response_mode": "form_post", //required if supporting providers that redirect (like FI-TUPAS/FI-BANKS)
  "redirect_uri": "<uri>" //required if supporting providers that redirect (like FI-TUPAS/FI-BANKS)

Descriptions for each claim can be found below.


JWT id

A unique token identifier






The customer account name (as issued by Assently)





Should contain the eID Providers you accept an identification from.

Note: The audience claim should match the allowedEids-configuration in the client.

Available eID’s:

  • all - All available eID’s, except Swedish Freja eID plus
  • se - All Swedish eID’s, except Swedish Freja eID plus
  • se-bankid - Swedish BankID
  • se-frejaeidplus - Swedish Freja eID plus
  • fi - All Finnish eID’s
  • fi-tupas - Finnish Tupas
  • fi-mv - Finnish Mobiilivarmenne
  • fi-vrk - Finnish Varmennekortti (DVV)
  • no - All Norwegian eID’s, except Norwegian BankID OIDC
  • no-bankid - Norwegian BankID
  • no-bankid-mobile - Norwegian BankID on mobile
  • no-bankid-oidc - Norwegian BankID OIDC flow
  • dk - All Danish eID’s, except MitID
  • dk-nemid - Danish NemID
  • dk-mitid - Danish MitID

If using multiple eID’s, the “aud” value is an array of strings. If using a single eID the “aud” value can be a single string value.

["se-bankid", "fi-mv"]



Issued at

Identifies the time at which the JWT was issued.

Unix timestamp




Expiration time

Identifies the expiration time on or after which the JWT is not accepted for processing.

Unix timestamp




The host that is using the service.

Embed host

The URL of the host including scheme (and if differs from default, port).





Display name

The text (usually company name) to be displayed on the end user’s display during authentication.

Note that a custom display name must be registered with Assently in advance. If no display name is registered, “Assently” will be used as default.

In test environment with se-bankid the display name must be specified “Test av Mobilt BankID”.


Only for se-bankid and fi-mv


Response mode

Relevant when integrating any provider using redirects, like finnish banks. RECOMMENDED Set it to “form_post” to receive the identification response as POST instead of GET. Must be used together with “redirect_uri” claim.


Only relevant for fi-tupas or fi-banks


Redirect uri

REQUIRED when integrating any provider using redirects, like finnish banks.

The recommended way to specify the uri where users should be returned with the identification outcome. Best practice is to use this claim, and also follow recommendation on response_mode claim.

"<your uri accepting POST>"

Only relevant for fi-tupas or fi-banks

The JWT Identity Token

When a user has successfully authenticated you will receive a JWT in the callback.

  1. Verify the signature of the token

    To be sure nothing has been tampered with, you must verify the signature of the token with a shared secret.

       base64(header) + '.' + base64(payload),
  2. Validate the claims of the token

    If any of these claims are invalid, you must reject the JWT.

    Should match the hostname of the embed script path.

    Should match your issuer name provided by Assently

    Must be in the future. The value will be 60 minutes in the future from the time it is generated.

  3. Done!

    The JWT payload contains claims regarding who the authenticated subject is.

    How you use this information is up to you.


Identifier of the subject


Can be a national id number, birthdate or phone number. Not globally unique




The subjects’ national id number.

National ID

The format can vary depending on eID Provider.




Family name

Last name, surname, or family name of the subject.




Given name of the subject.

Given name

Some providers also include middle name(s).




Full name of the subject

Full name

Includes first name(s) and last name(s).

"Frank Miller"




Description The name of the eID Provider that was used to conduct the authentication.

Example "se-bankid"

Mandatory Yes


Provider data

All personal information related to the subject as received from the eID Provider. This is usually an x.509 certificate that we send along in its raw form encoded as a base64 string.

base64 encoded string



JWT id

The unique identifier of the token.


Mandatory Yes



The token issuer.

"" ""

Mandatory Yes


The intended receiver of the token.


Contains your customer account name.




Issued at

Identifies the time at which the JWT was issued.

Unix timestamp


Mandatory Yes


Expiration Time

Identifies the expiration time on or after which the JWT is not accepted for processing.

Unix timestamp




The JWT id from the authorization request token used in the same session.

Authorization Request Token JWT id

This claim can be used for comparison with the “jti” claim in the authorization request token. A match verifies that the identity received is related to the original request.



Supported eID Providers

eID Provider Country
BankID Sweden
Freja eID plus Sweden
Tupas Finland
Mobiilivarmenne Finland
Varmennekortti (DVV) Finland
BankID Norway
BankID Mobile Norway
BankID OIDC Norway
MitID Denmark
NemID til Private (POCES) Denmark
NemID Medarbejdersignatur (MOCES) Denmark

Special considerations for some e-IDs

Most eIDs allow the identification to happen without the user leaving the current page. Some identification methods are based on OIDC, which require redirects and some require special client software.

Varmennekortti (DVV) (used to be called Väestörekisterikeskus (VRK))

Varmennekortti (DVV) relies on physical keycards. For testing, you’ll need special client software and hardware provided by DVV.

Danish NemID (dk-nemid)

Has two modes. The usual mode works as usual, while the other one requires a physical keycard and client installed to test.

Finnish Banks (fi-bankid)

Uses redirect-flow to complete identification. This means the user will leave the page. The user selects their bank in the CoreID Client, they are then redirected to that bank for identification. After a successful identification, the user will POST the identity_token response back to your site, your integration regains control at this point.

Danish MitID (dk-mitid)

Uses redirect-flow to complete identification. This means the user will leave the page. The user selects their bank in the CoreID Client, they are then redirected to that bank for identification. After a successful identification, the user will POST the identity_token response back to your site, your integration regains control at this point.

Norwegian BankID (no-bankid-oidc)

Uses redirect-flow to complete identification. This means the user will leave the page. The user selects their bank in the CoreID Client, they are then redirected to that bank for identification. After a successful identification, the user will POST the identity_token response back to your site, your integration regains control at this point.

Handling redirect after identification

In the authorization request token you can specify the response_mode and redirect_uri claims. The response will contain “id”, “status”, “errorMessage” and “identityToken”.

When using the response mode “form_post”, the identity_token will include the source identity_token in


DEPRECATED: Default query-response_mode with abbreviated identity_token

By default, the user will be returned to the page where CoreID Client was launched, with identity_token as query-parameter. When using the response mode “query”, or nothing is specified, the identity_token will be abbreviated to exclude

Authenticating in a test-environment

Test Environment

The CoreID Test Environment connects with the different eID Providers’ test services. You have the option to use to this environment if you want to try out one or more eID Provider using test certificates. Since each eID Provider have different ways of authenticating users (software, mobile, etc.) they way to get a hold of test certificates are also specific to each eID Provider. Swedish BankID (Svenskt BankID)

Swedish BankID

To test Swedish BankID you need to download a test certificate at

The easiest approach is to go to, Choose “Log in with personal code” -> “Generate code” and follow the steps. You’ll then be able to set up BankID for testing on your computer.

Certificates are available both for mobile and computer use. Instructions on how to install the BankID software and the test certificate are found at

Note that the claim “dnm” (Display Name) in the Authorization Request Token has to be set to "Test av Mobilt BankID" in the test environment.

Finnish Banks

Several of the options have pre-filled credentials in test, simply submit the form to complete identification with a test user.